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Order information
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Standing Order
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Order information
Find here all questions about your orders like when to order or cancel & update your order(s).
What is your Standing Order policy?
Term and Conditions
What is your privacy policy?
When to order my flowers?
What to Expect from a Mechanical Delay Notification
Do I have to sign for my boxes upon delivery?
Can you add event names to boxes?
Are you able to download or send me a statement of my purchases?
Do you have a referral program?
When are the shipping labels created?
What is PQ Delay on my flowers ?
To which countries do you ship flowers?
What is your minimum box quantity?
Up to when can I cancel my order?
How do I cancel an order?
My wedding/ event is on Saturday. When should I order my flowers?
How can I track my package?
What are the delivery days per country?
What are your shipping charges?
What is your shipping policy?
Substitutions for Dutch product