What are the 5 buying options at iBuyFlowers?
We offer you 5 ways to purchase your floral needs, by bulk, customize your own box, let the system do the shopping for you, set a Standing Order, or use the re-order option
iBuyFlowers offers you 4 ways to purchase your floral needs at our marketplace:
- Buying bulk boxes. You can select the product and length you wish and order by the box lots only. Click here for more info.
- Buy by the bunch at farm level and customize your own box. Start a custom box at a grower and fill up that box with more items from that same grower. After your custom box is filled or closed, you can start buying from all the 3 options again. Click here for more info.
- Use the shopping list technology and let the system buy at the most efficient way. Just add the products, minimum stem length, and quantities you need and let the shopping list technology search through all growers and packing options what will be your best and most affordable way to pack and ship all your flowers. This option works in general for larger quantities. Click here for more info.
- Standing Order. Set a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly Standing Order and receive a more competitive price. For a weekly year-round Standing Order, you receive double quantities during Valentine's and Mothers Day for the same buying price.
- Re-order. Use the re-order button on your order history page to re-order the same box again for one or more dates. Click here for more info.